
Dr. Garcia Puente Awarded NSF Grant for Enumerative Geometry Workshop

Julia Fennell ’21

Dr. Luis David Garcia Puente. Photo provided by Garcia Puente.

Professor and co-chair of CC’s Mathematics and Computer Science Department Dr. Luis David Garcia Puente has been awarded $22,500 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support a workshop on computational and applied enumerative geometry at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences in Toronto next month.

“Serving the larger mathematical community is an honor but also an opportunity to encourage diversity and create spaces for scientists from underrepresented groups to create and disseminate their work and to be recognized for their contributions,” says Garcia Puente, who is one of five experts from the United States and Canada organizing the event.

的 workshop will take place June 3-7 and will focus on enumerative geometry. Enumerative geometry problems are a particular class of mathematical problems which ask how many geometric objects have a prescribed position with respect to other fixed geometric objects. 的se problems and their applications are fundamental to STEM fields including mathematics, particle physics, 机器人, and computer vision. 的 main goal of this workshop is to unite experts working on problems related to enumerative geometry to increase dialogue between theory and application in this field. 

Workshop on Computational and Applied Enumerative Geometry will be a combination of expert speakers and presentations, software demos, collaborative discussions, and open pitch sessions.

的 NSF funding is targeted at supporting 15 early career scientists and members of underrepresented groups in science. About 80 people are expected to attend the workshop.

“Through his leadership on this grant, Dr. Garcia Puente demonstrates his commitment to both fostering cutting-edge work in enumerative geometry and ensuring that more early career mathematicians and individuals underrepresented in STEM are able to benefit from the generative work and collaboration that will be taking place during this workshop,” says Tess Powers, CC’s Director of Faculty Research Support and Research Compliance Officer.

Garcia Puente was recently elected as a member of the American Mathematical Society Canvassing Committee. He was also selected to serve on the Program Committee of the 2025 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) in Guanajuato, Mexico. This is the 50th meeting of the premier conference for research in symbolic computation and computer algebra.

Additionally, Garcia Puente was named an Associate Editor of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society, which is one of the world’s most widely read magazines for professional mathematicians. He will serve in this position from 2025 through 2027.

In 2022, Garcia Puente was awarded an American Mathematical Society Fellowship, making him one of only 45 math scientists around the world to be named an AMS Fellow that year.

Visit Garcia Puente’s website to learn more about his research. »

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